Selasa, 27 September 2016
Rabu, 14 September 2016
Pengertian, Manfaat dan Macam-Macam Jaringan Komputer (Terlengkap)
Pengertian, Manfaat dan Macam-Macam Jaringan Komputer (Terlengkap)
Kata “jaringan komputer” mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi telinga kita, mengingat hampir setiap hari kita melibatkan jaringan komputer dalam pekerjaan kita.
Jaringan komputer adalah sebuah sistem yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih komputer yang saling terhubung satu sama lain melalui media transmisi atau media komunikasi sehingga dapat saling berbagi data, aplikasi maupun berbagi perangkat keras komputer.
Istilah jaringan komputer sendiri juga dapat diartikan sebagai kumpulan sejumlah terminal komunikasi yang terdiri dari dua komputer atau lebih yang saling terhubung.
Tujuan dibangunnya jaringan komputer adalah agar informasi/ data yang dibawa pengirim (transmitter) dapat sampai kepada penerima (receiver) dengan tepat dan akurat.

Jaringan komputer memungkinkan penggunanya dapat melakukan komunikasi satu sama lain dengan mudah.
Selain itu, peran jaringan komputer sangat diperlukan untuk mengintegrasi data antar komputer-komputer client sehingga diperolehlah suatu data yang relevan.
Berbicara mengenai manfaat dari jaringan komputer. Terdapat banyak sekali manfaat jaringan komputer, antara lain :
- Dengan jaringan komputer, kita bisa mengakses file yang kita miliki sekaligus file orang lain yang telah diseberluaskan melalui suatu jaringan, semisal jaringan internet.
- Melalui jaringan komputer, kita bisa melakukan proses pengiriman data secara cepat dan efisien.
- Jaringan komputer membantu seseorang berhubungan dengan orang lain dari berbagai negara dengan mudah.
- Selain itu, pengguna juga dapat mengirim teks, gambar, audio, maupun video secara real time dengan bantuan jaringan komputer.
- Kita dapat mengakses berita atau informasi dengan sangat mudah melalui internet dikarenakan internet merupakan salah satu contoh jaringan komputer.
- Misalkan dalam suatu kantor memerlukan printer, kita tidak perlu membeli printer sejumlah dengan komputer yang terdapat pada kantor tersebut. Kita cukup membeli satu printer saja untuk digunakan oleh semua karyawan kantor tersebut dengan bantuan jaringan komputer.
Umumnya jaringan komputer di kelompokkan menjadi 5 kategori, yaitu berdasarkan jangkauan geografis, distribusi sumber informasi/ data, media transmisi data, peranan dan hubungan tiap komputer dalam memproses data, dan berdasarkan jenis topologi yang digunakan. Berikut penjabaran lengkapnya :
1. LAN
Local Area Network atau yang sering disingkat dengan LAN merupakan jaringan yang hanya mencakup wilayah kecil saja, semisal warnet, kantor, atau sekolah. Umumnya jaringan LAN luas areanya tidak jauh dari 1 km persegi.
Biasanya jaringan LAN menggunakan teknologi IEEE 802.3 Ethernet yang mempunyai kecepatan transfer data sekitar 10, 100, bahkan 1000 MB/s.
Selain menggunakan teknologi Ethernet, tak sedikit juga yang menggunakan teknologi nirkabel seperti Wi-fi untuk jaringan LAN.
2. MAN
Metropolitan Area Network atau MAN merupakan jaringan yang mencakup suatu kota dengan dibekali kecepatan transfer data yang tinggi. Bisa dibilang, jaringan MAN merupakan gabungan dari beberapa jaringan LAN.
Jangakauan dari jaringan MAN berkisar 10-50 km. MAN hanya memiliki satu atau dua kabel dan tidak dilengkapi dengan elemen switching yang berfungsi membuat rancangan menjadi lebih simple.
3. WAN
Wide Area Network atau WAN merupakan jaringan yang jangkauannya mencakup daerah geografis yang luas, semisal sebuah negara bahkan benua.
WAN umumnya digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua atau lebih jaringan lokal sehingga pengguna dapat berkomunikasi dengan pengguna lain meskipun berada di lokasi yang berbebeda.
1. Jaringan Terpusat
Yang dimaksud jaringan terpusat adalah jaringan yang terdiri dari komputer client dan komputer server dimana komputer client bertugas sebagai perantara dalam mengakses sumber informasi/ data yang berasal dari komputer server.
Dalam jaringan terpusat, terdapat istilah dumb terminal (terminal bisu), dimana terminal ini tidak memiliki alat pemroses data.
2. Jaringan Terdistribusi
Jaringan ini merupakan hasil perpaduan dari beberapa jaringan terpusat sehingga memungkinkan beberapa komputer server dan client yang saling terhubung membentuk suatu sistem jaringan tertentu.
1. Jaringan Berkabel (Wired Network)
Media transmisi data yang digunakan dalam jaringan ini berupa kabel.
Kabel tersebut digunakan untuk menghubungkan satu komputer dengan komputer lainnya agar bisa saling bertukar informasi/ data atau terhubung dengan internet.
Salah satu media transmisi yang digunakan dalam wired network adalah kabel UTP.
Baca juga : Pengertian dan Manfaat Internet
2. Jaringan Nirkabel (Wireless Network)
Dalam jaringan ini diperlukan gelombang elektromagnetik sebagai media transmisi datanya.
Berbeda dengan jaringan berkabel (wired network), jaringan ini tidak menggunakan kabel untuk bertukar informasi/ data dengan komputer lain melainkan menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik untuk mengirimkan sinyal informasi/ data antar komputer satu dengan komputer lainnya.
Wireless adapter, salah satu media transmisi yang digunakan dalam wireless network.
1. Jaringan Client-Server
Jaringan ini terdiri dari satu atau lebih komputer server dan komputer client. Biasanya terdiri dari satu komputer server dan beberapa komputer client.
Komputer server bertugas menyediakan sumber daya data, sedangkan komputer client hanya dapat menggunakan sumber daya data tersebut.
Baca juga : Tugas dan tanggung jawab admin server
2. Jaringan Peer to Peer
Dalam jaringan ini, masing-masing komputer, baik itu komputer server maupun komputer client mempunyai kedudukan yang sama.
Jadi, komputer server dapat menjadi komputer client, dan sebaliknya komputer client juga dapat menjadi komputer server.
Topologi jaringan komputer merupakan bentuk/ struktur jaringan yang menghubungkan komputer satu dengan yang lain.
Untuk pembahasan lebih detail mengenai topologi jaringan, silakan baca artikel macam-macam topologi jaringan komputer yang pernah saya tulis sebelumnya.
Sekian untuk artikel mengenai pengertian, manfaat dan macam-macam jaringan komputer. Semoga tulisan pendek saya ini bermanfaat dan mudah dipahami.
Sumber :
2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCC), February 19-22, 2011, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Manik Dey PhD, CISSP
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR),
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) indicates how well an organization prepares itself to survive in unexpected disasters, disruptions or changes, assuring that the critical business processes will continue to function in most adverse circumstances with acceptable limitations. BCP is also one of the domains of Information Security management. It has been emphasized by BS 25999 standard that an organization must have a Business Continuity (BC) program in place to fulfill its obligations in this world of uncertainty. The main objectives are that in all unusual situations the business should sustain, maintain regulatory compliances and deliver its products and services with minimum losses to its employees, customers, vendors, and to the society at large. This paper illustrates the concept of BCP along with its implication to business in adverse circumstances and enunciates a methodology about how a Business Continuity Planning framework can be established in an organization. Index Terms— Business Continuity (BC), Business Continuity Planning (BCP), Business Continuity Management (BCM), BS 25999 standard, Information Security
Business Continuity (BC) deals with the continuation of business in adverse circumstances. Business comprises of people, processes, various assets, products and services. Any incident such as market crash, pandemic diseases, natural disasters, technological failures, human errors, cyber attacks, fraud or terrorism which causes disruption to any of these entities, can affect the continuity of business either for a short term or for a long term basis.
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Management (BCM) are the acts of anticipating disruptions, ensuring prevention or less chance of occurrences and responding to any such incident in a planned and rehearsed manner so as to recover the losses and bring the business back into operation. Disruptions can be with or without warning and the results may be predictable or unknown. The term Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) is used more frequently but it is actually a part of the broader BCP framework. DRP normally takes care of the continuity of information technology (IT) services and is mostly technical in nature. Every Business needs a BCP to face all possible disruptions and keep its operation running with acceptable downtime. The objectives are to protect human lives, minimize financial and reputational losses, continue serving the customers, and remain in compliance with the statutory laws and regulations [7].
Most organizations maintain ‘Plan B’ (contingency) if ‘Plan A’ (regular business plan) does not work due to some incident, accident or disaster. However, very recently the world has seen some of the most unprecedented disasters such as collapse of twin towers (9/11, 2001 attack), US black-out (2003), Tsunami, Katrina, Rita and Iceland Volcano (2010). These, in conjunction with the corporate corruption cases of WorldCom, Enron, Satyam, etc, have made organizations realize that lack of proper Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery Planning can make them out-ofbusiness at any time. One report from US department of Labor suggests that 40% of the companies facing such disasters never reopen and 25% of the remaining companies close within two years [9]. In fact, after the 9/11 attack, majority of the affected companies in the World Trade Center went out of business due to lack of adequate DR and BC Planning.
Organization’s dependency on IT demands that ITrelated resources are secured and protected well against all possible devastations. The recent increase of cyber terrorism has also given an additional dimension to the problem. That is why Business Continuity is associated with the Information Security Management System (ISMS). As per the ISO/IEC 27031 standard, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures should ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) of IT services in all circumstances and hence play a major role in maintaining Business Continuity [8]. In general, BCP will have IT and non-IT areas. In case of disruptions, the IT unit will be busy with restoration and recovery of related services using DRP processes whereas the non-IT areas will be busy with other facilities and business matters so that the overall business prevails.
Through implementation of appropriate BCP frameworks, organizations can maintain continuity and get benefit from most adverse situations in this world of uncertainty. There are numerous examples, case studies and success stories of organizations benefitting from Business Continuity (BC) initiatives. KPMG’s white paper /ArticlesPublications/Documents/business_resilience_chi na_0903.pdf describes their case studies in China where various organizations have been benefiting from BCP initiatives in the competitive market of economic downturn since September 2008. The broader prospect of BCP is called Business Resilience Planning (BRP) which covers all the changes the business may face including the disruptions covered by BCP as well as other changing situations of challenges and opportunities [2, 5].
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Pengarang : Akram Jalal Karim
Akram Jalal Karim
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 18; October 2011 183
Business Disaster Preparedness: An Empirical Study for measuring the Factors of Business Continuity to face Business Disaster
Akram Jalal Karim
Management Information System Department
College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University
P.O. Box 10878
1st Floor Gosi Complex Exhibitions Road, Manama
Kingdom of Bahrain
At present, the expansion in using data management technologies, globalization, and rapid communication offer organizations an unprecedented set of possibilities for evolution. On the other hand there are several vulnerabilities to threats and disasters. In this context, a realistic business goal is to guarantee the continuity of the processes in the case of disasters or crises. Business preparedness, through implementing Business Continuity Planning (BCP), decreases or eliminates the disruption to employees and profitability and allows businesses to perform balanced tasks in community. This research presents a conceptual design for measuring the factors of BCP on business disaster preparedness through the use of statistical indicators. Such research is required to develop systematic knowledge on how importance it is for businesses to persist with BCP to recover from disasters. The paper concludes that there is a significant effect of Strategic Management, Business Risk Analysis, Training and Awareness, and Information Life Cycle Managements when making BCP a cornerstone for the successful preparedness to any disaster.
Keywords: Business continuity, disaster recovery, disaster preparedness, risk management.
1. Introduction
During the last twenty years, organizations of all sizes have been sustained by their information systems and their expenditures were heavily based on their intensifying Information Technology infrastructures. This assisted them to computerize, manipulate, and analyze their business operations and long/short term strategies in a highly professional way. It is difficult to envision contemporary businesses devoid of advanced information systems covering their daily operations such as online trading, airline reservations, financial databases, etc. Business managers identify that a disaster can occur as a result of various causes, depending on a range of challenges such as environmental, economical and political, such as power outages, virus eruptions, disruptions, data fraud, terrorist attacks and the like. All of these may put off organizations from exercising their right to use the data and systems they need for managing their businesses. A business impact analysis (BIA) can expose the accurate detriments of disaster and the consequence disruptions in a specific business. However, these kinds of analysis are costly, and many senior managers are disinclined to financially support based on a BIA analysis without an accurate evaluation to the exact value or to the return on investment (ROI).
Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) is a description of how a business reacts to any internal or external event to assure that critical business operations should carry on without any barriers. The aim of DRP is to reduce the consequences of a disaster and perform the proper actions to defend valuable resources. On the other hand, Business Continuity Planning (BCP) illustrates the methods and procedures that have been used by business to guarantee that important functions should carry on in and after a disaster. It is the facility of sustaining the continuous availability of significant systems, applications, and information of the business. BCP corresponds to the reaction of the required business understanding to the undesirable events. This process should be accomplished for the enterprise wide functions to reduce financial loss, enhance customer‘s service and alleviate the destructive events that may affect on name, processes, liquidity and market reputation.
As a result, disaster recovery, which focuses on IT activities, is possibly more common, however it is in fact a subset of the wider theme of business continuity. Although disaster recovery is a reaction to unusual events which removes all the mess subsequently so the business can continue as formal, business continuity is highly proactive plan, it carry on actions to guarantee that regardless of what occurs, business operations continue as stable as possible.
The majority of business professionals suggest undertaking business continuity planning initially; subsequently disaster recovery will carry the most critical elements of the business.Although a BCP concentrating on bring back the organization‘s power to do business, despite of the type of the disaster, various kinds of distraction may need a different kind of reaction for recommencing business. Different kinds of disasters may even affect the community environment surrounding the organizations; thus, human element (e.g. employees) may deeply influenced by a disaster events. It is indispensable to organize businesses to be able to react and improve from any types of disaster that may cause deficit in business operations and may inhibit business continuation. It is insufficient to believe that business is just typical day-to-day operations arguing that there are no threats that might stop our business to continue or we are sharp enough to a level that we will not be influenced same as others. Furthermore, with the ideas of globalization, business managers turn out to be more responsible for deficiency if they did not adopt right actions on right time to avoid this type of losses. Consequently, this research may end up directing the following questions to any business: Are you ready to protect your business from future threats? Do you prepared, have an efficient and applicable business continuity plans?
The aim of this research is to introduce a conceptual research model to assist businesses to answer such questions. From a pragmatic viewpoint, a disaster is anything that can cause a disruption in the normal operation of a business (Wallace & Webber, 2004). Business preparedness, often intended as business continuity, which covers a variety of factors such Strategic management, Business risk analysis, BCP resources, BCP documentation and Information Life Cycle Management. This research explores and evaluates the need for any business to be ready for any future threats by attracting the attention to business continuity planning to rescue lives and assets and to present a clear strategy for effective business continuity plans. This research measures the quantitative indicators of Business Continuity Planning (BCP) to gain a high knowledge base, test hypotheses, and confirm the introduced conceptual research model. It will develop realistic expectations for Continuity Planning and recovery and measures the organizational readiness in a present or future disaster. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 present literature review and 3 discusses the research model and hypothesis. In Section 4 we discuss the research methodology which will be used for this research. In section 5 result analysis and discussion will be presented. Finally, the conclusion will be presented in sections 6.
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e-Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan
Case study: Kuwait government entities (GEs)
Khaled Abdulkareem Al-Enezi ,
Imad Fakhri Al-shaikhli
Computer Science Department,
International Islamic University of Malaysia,
P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur
Abdul Rahman al-kandari,
Hessa Mutlaq Al-Mutairi
Computer Department,
The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait
Abstract- cyber-attack is spyware devices through pernicious files to change logic data and computers code. That leads to distributive results that expose data for risk. Organizations have to define the risks and appraise their impact. Disaster recovery plan and business continuity plan are developed to deter interruptions to business. From analyzing the survey of case study of business continuity(BC) and disaster recovery(DR) plan in Kuwait government entities (GES), that a large ratio of Kuwait GES have business continuity(BC) & disaster recovery (DR)plan. The proportions of the attack on their systems are very weak. Keywords— Cyber attack -Business Continuity -business recovery -Disaster recovery -IT security
Kuwait relies Primary on oil as a source of economic income. That mean any attack on the Ministry of oil may result in a full stop to the state’s economy. So, it requires protection from any exposure to cyber attack. Since the state of Kuwait relies on E-government, this means that all Kuwait government entities need protection not only the ministry of oil. Most national services are introduced by commercial groups like air lines, banks and internet services providers. But, some of the national services are directly provided by government. In addition, certain services are considered important to one nation, this supporting infrastructure that is controlled by any organizations from another nation [1]. And now a day we have life in a world in which the menace of cyber attacks is ever- increasing, and where menaces from uncharted sources are dynamic and perpetually changing. A cyber attack is intentional exploitation systems of computer, technology-dependent enterprises and networks. No longer the infrastructure is a closed system and has a single getaway to the outer world. Business that have critical systems share data with organization partner, engaging customers across the internet and managing added services across internet portals[2]. Cyber-attacks use malign code to change computer code, logic or data, consequent in disruptive consequences that can determine data and plumb to cyber transgressions, such as identity theft and Steal customers' account numbers in banks .There are many another terminology of cyber attack such as cyber warfare, cyber terrorism and also known as a (LAN) computer network attack[3]. Protecting an organization's data and Information Technology (IT) substructure in the event of a turbulent case has become decisive and clearer business priority. The businesses in all forms and shapes have been affected by disasters for many years. However, with the coming of computers, high-speed communication, digitized data, electronic storages of data and immensely increased dependence on data bases. If a disaster occurs, businesses have much to lose than the hardware loss. Many business are run in 24/7 environment and their scope of operations is global. A high proportion of small business are based on internet, or have an income derived from internet, a selling and marketing resource system that in 15 years ago was a bit more than nosiness [4]. In this research will pick up disaster recovery and business continuity planning.
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Factors Influencing the Success of the Disaster Recovery Planning Process: A Conceptual Paper
Leong Lai Hoong
Faculty of Management
Multimedia University
Selangor, Malaysia
Govindan Marthandan
Faculty of Management
Multimedia University
Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract—Disaster recovery planning (DRP) is an IT process that considers the mitigation of risk in the IT department and put in place the procedure to recover the IT systems in the event of outages. This paper reviews the researches conducted on the topic of DRP and business continuity management (BCM). It explains the factors inherent in DRP and BCM processes and how these factors could be incorporated into an updated framework and presents an illustrative framework for an effective and successful DRP and BCM implementation.
Keywords- disaster recovery planning (DRP); business continuity management (BCM); IT process; contingency planning.
Disaster recovery planning (DRP) is one of the IT processes started in the 1960’s in conjunction with the growth of the electronic data processing capability in an organization. It was during the era of the mainframe machines to facilitate the organization in automating some human tasks [1]. People are aware of the criticality of the mainframe functions, data captured and information provided, therefore the development of DRP to ensure that there are proper backup of data and able to restore when there are any losses of facility in the future. From non-IT perspective, a DRP could also mean the planning and recovering of the businesses, government functions and general economic activities in an area impacted by natural or man-made disaster. Such as, most of the organizations in the World Trade Centre of United States of America had a successful DRP and as a result they are able to relocate to alternate premises to continue their business.
DRP evolved over the years and new buzz words emerged to complement the DRP function in the 1990’s, such as, the business continuity management (BCM) [2], Contingency Planning and IT service continuity management [3].
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Peran Business Continuity Plan dan Contingency Plan
Dalam Meminimalisir Risiko Teknologi Informasi
pada Industri Asuransi
E. Susy Suhendra1
, Teddy Oswari2
, Silvy Setiawan3
Dosen Pascasarjana Universitas Gunadarma1, 2
E-mail: [susys, toswari]
Bendahara Dewan Pengurus AAMAI, Vice President Director PT Reliance3
E-mail :
Manajemen industri asuransi di Indonesia secara umum merupakan suatu rangkaian proses mengidentifikasi, mengukur, memitigasi dan mengontrol segala bentuk risiko asuransi di perusahaan. Strategi pengendalian dan pengelolaan risiko asuransi di perusahaan dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah identifikasi dan pembuatan peta risiko (risk mapping), kuantifikasi dan pengukuran risiko (risk measurement and assessment), penanganan risiko (risk threatment) dan kebijakan manajemen risiko asuransi. Tujuan penulisan untuk mengantisipasi gangguan dan penyelamatan sistem Teknologi Informasi pada risiko operasional dengan menggunakan metode Business Continuity Plan dan Continuity Plan.
Metode Business Continuity Plan dan Continuity Plan yang diterapkan pada perusahaan asuransi perlu secara sfesifik menjelaskan peraturan mengenai IT dan harus dipahami oleh seluruh karyawan. Peraturan ini harus ditetapkan oleh top management dan sebaiknya meliputi garis dan tanggung jawab sistem IT, perawatan data dan backup sistem, prosedur penerapan antivirus dan spyware, akses terhadap internal data, penggunaan internet oleh karyawan, dan kebijakan mengenai e-mail pribadi.
Kebijakan ini sebaiknya didukung dengan petunjuk melakukan prosedur secara tertulis untuk memudahkan implementasi dan perlunya disusun Bussiness Continuity Plan dan Contigency Plan untuk menghadapi keadaan tidak terduga sehingga dapat meminimalisir kerugian operasional pada industri asuransi.
Kata kunci: business continuity plan, contingency plan, risiko teknologi informasi
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