Universitas Trisakti, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Teknik Informatika, 064.013.016


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Rabu, 14 September 2016


e-Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan 

Case study: Kuwait government entities (GEs)  

Khaled Abdulkareem Al-Enezi ,
Imad Fakhri Al-shaikhli
Computer Science Department,
International Islamic University of Malaysia,
P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur

Abdul Rahman al-kandari,
Hessa Mutlaq Al-Mutairi
Computer Department,
The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait

Abstract- cyber-attack is spyware devices through pernicious files to change logic data and computers code. That leads to distributive results that expose data for risk. Organizations have to define the risks and appraise their impact. Disaster recovery plan and business continuity plan are developed to deter interruptions to business. From analyzing the survey of case study of business continuity(BC) and disaster recovery(DR) plan in Kuwait government entities (GES), that a large ratio of Kuwait GES have business continuity(BC) & disaster recovery (DR)plan. The proportions of the attack on their systems are very weak. Keywords— Cyber attack -Business Continuity -business recovery -Disaster recovery -IT security 


    Kuwait relies Primary on oil as a source of economic income. That mean any attack on the Ministry of oil may result in a full stop to the state’s economy. So, it requires protection from any exposure to cyber attack. Since the state of Kuwait relies on E-government, this means that all Kuwait government entities need protection not only the ministry of oil. Most national services are introduced by commercial groups like air lines, banks and internet services providers. But, some of the national services are directly provided by government. In addition, certain services are considered important to one nation, this supporting infrastructure that is controlled by any organizations from another nation [1]. And now a day we have life in a world in which the menace of cyber attacks is ever- increasing, and where menaces from uncharted sources are dynamic and perpetually changing. A cyber attack is intentional exploitation systems of computer, technology-dependent enterprises and networks. No longer the infrastructure is a closed system and has a single getaway to the outer world. Business that have critical systems share data with organization partner, engaging customers across the internet and managing added services across internet portals[2]. Cyber-attacks use malign code to change computer code, logic or data, consequent in disruptive consequences that can determine data and plumb to cyber transgressions, such as identity theft and Steal customers' account numbers in banks .There are many another terminology of cyber attack such as cyber warfare, cyber terrorism and also known as a (LAN) computer network attack[3]. Protecting an organization's data and Information Technology (IT) substructure in the event of a turbulent case has become decisive and clearer business priority. The businesses in all forms and shapes have been affected by disasters for many years. However, with the coming of computers, high-speed communication, digitized data, electronic storages of data and immensely increased dependence on data bases. If a disaster occurs, businesses have much to lose than the hardware loss. Many business are run in 24/7 environment and their scope of operations is global. A high proportion of small business are based on internet, or have an income derived from internet, a selling and marketing resource system that in 15 years ago was a bit more than nosiness [4]. In this research will pick up disaster recovery and business continuity planning.

Klik link berikut untuk melihat jurnal lebih lengkap : http://booksc.org/book/33633462

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